sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

My experience with the blog

This blog was very useful to me because I could learn a lot of grammar. I didn’t have a blog before because I didn't know how to create a new one too.
Thanks to the blog method I lost the fear to write stuff in English. I think it's a good learning and studying method. I really don't like the fact of using an entire class to make blog posts.
I also think that the computers in the laboratory are really slow ones the internet system doesn't work properly and because of that I used to lost my entire session work.
The advantages of having a blog in English, according to me, are:
  • Practicing English
  • Learn grammar
  • Learn how to create a blog (In my personal experience).

Besides, I think blogs don't have disadvantages since is a technological method that helps us to make funnier and dynamic classes

That’s why I think that this blog must continue in English just because of this proper learning system.

This is the end of my blog....

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job!!!!!

My ideal job is being a detective. Because it’s a job with lots of action and discipline. Furthermore working in the PDI ensures economic livelihood and employment to retirement .

Detectives requires qualities of being an athlete, shrewd, disciplined, orderly and kind, because their profession is based on the physical condition and social service.

I think that being a detective is very good, because PDI helps people and protects the national security. Besides it’s an institution with great prestige and credibility.

But I don’t think I can work at PDI, because I don’t have an adequate physical condition, I’m of low stature and because the carrier is very expensive.

Finally, I like this kind of job, because it's more than just a job, is a professional career, that creates future police detectives, with intellectual, physical trainning. The PDI prepares them on caputers labs and ballistic, fingerprinst skill, drawing and planimetry, photography and video, and it teaches them a foreign lenguage: english.
I Love the PDI............

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009


My favorite subject is Administrative Law. Because it is very important for my career and mainly for its theoretical contribution.

My teacher of Law is Marcelo Galaz. He is qualified lawyer at the Universidad de Chile and worked in the Contraloría General de la Republica. He’s in charge of area of City Hall so he knows well the public administration.

I like Law, because my teacher is very funny and has a lot of knowledge on public administration. Also, I like the curriculum and the topics it covers.

I’m learning a lot about Administrative Law, especially administrative procedure of public servant. But, I still feel that I need to learn a lot more.

Finally, I believe that Administration Law is the best subject because it shows our work and shows us what our rights and obligations as future public administrators.


lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

"Do Schools Kill Creativity"

I am going to talk about Education and creativity from conference of Sir Ken Robinson called ''Do school kill creative?'' of 2006

For Ken Robinson the educative system which he prefers the most is the one that includes subjects like maths, language, and even music and art humanist. Therefore it Criticized the educational system, and How the educational system kills the creativity of the children?
Also Ken speaks that the creativity is the capacity to resolve problems without too many knowledge. Because the youngs don’t have afraid to make mistakes, what changes when we are adults. Because if we are not prepared intellectually we will never build something original.
In my opinion I think that the current school education impedes that the children develop their imagination. Also I think The human education must have subject that meeting us with the spirituality, arts, nature and not only give us a material vision of the world and we.
Is imagination vs. the establishing. The school and university are the best place for change this system.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Your Future......

5 Years at most, I will be on the OPD of Police Investigation. I have always wanted to form part of the Police Investigation. Even I am studying Public
Manager only to have an academic base. Even I don’t see myself working as publish administrator. Because I don’t like me the career and what always I have wanted is to form part of the OPD of investigations. Because I believe that is the best way to help peoples.

Personally in five years from now I would like to be married and live in San Bernardo. Professionally, I would like to be a police officer as well as my future husband.

In conclusion, my ideal future is to live with the person who loves me, to have two nice house (one at the country another at the city) and I will be an integral professional of Police Investigation.

(P.S: This is only a dream and that is what my parents want for me)

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

The best in my area

I think that the best person in the area of my career is Max Weber.

Max Weber was a philosopher, economist, jurist, historian, political scientist and German sociologist, considered one of the founders of the modern study, antipositivista, of the sociology and the public administration.
In his famous works you can find an "The politics as vocation". Weber defined the State as a company that possesses a monopoly in the legitimate use of the force. This definition that was fundamental in the study of the modern political science in West.
The motive by which he is important, It's because he showed how to organize the government through the bureaucracy, or in other words he showed that the professionalization of the administrative structures of the State was fundamental.
I choose this person because he is very important for the Public Administration, because he gave the professional character to our area and to our career.


My Career

My career is Public Administration is situated in the environment of the Administrative and Political Sciences, centering it's study in the State, the government and the public administration. This career requires of an extensive comprehension of the phenomena that conform it, which express train their MULTIDISCIPLINARY character. It's thus, as covers the social, economic, and legal sciences in general; and the political science and the administrative sciences particularly.
I like a lot this career because is very close to the reality of the people and because offers me the opportunity to work for the changes that my country needs. Therefore I want to work in the "FUNDACION PARA LA SUPERACION DE LA POBREZA". Because working there allows people to be close of what they need, and I can do something for them.
Public Administration is a really marvelous career and I invite them to know it.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

The most beautiful photograph of my community

The photo that I like the most is the place that I visit every day: Train Station Paine.The train is the main transportation in my town because thanks to him I can access to the city. I put a photo of the train because it is very useful for me and for the whole community, every day people need to go to different places, especially to Santiago.

Since it's implementation in the 80s, the train has revolutionized the lives of people in province, because it decreases the time of travel and the prices of the tickets are cheapest to go to the capital.
Train station of Paine is the most beautiful place of all. It has a park next to. In addition around the train station there are many places to go have coffee with the family, so you can have a great time. It's really nice and clean.

I invite you all to know the Train Station Paine. Because it's a place full of history and progress.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My most Precious Posession

My Laptop

My Laptop is my most precious object because I do all my work for university with it and I can communicate with my best friends.
Also I like my laptop a lot because it's a gift of my boyfriend. He gave it to me so we can chat every day. Since I got my laptop I am the happiest person in the world because I can access to a lot of information and I can do my work for university. I think that if something happens to my laptop "I would die" because it's my most precious posession.

In my opinion the laptop is the better technological product, and I think that everyone should have one. (So everyone... buy a laptop!)


jueves, 30 de abril de 2009


My last vacation was in La Serena with my family. We have gone there since I was four years old. I have always gone with my parents and my grandparents.

Our favorite beach is Peñuelas it has a very pleasant climate its waters are very calm. But this year despite of not knowing anyone was very special and different because we celebrated my grandmothe's birthday. With a big chocolate cake prepared by my mother.

I didn't want my vacation to finish because being with my family is what I like most. but my dad had to go back to work.

Actually I want to go again next year to the Serena. Because it is a great place to enjoy with the family and its weather is quite pleasant.

I will never forget those holidays. Because we celebrated of my grandmother the first birthday with the family.

Since I was four years my best vacations have been in the Serena.

martes, 28 de abril de 2009


Carolina Vera is my best. She studies meds at Pontificia Universidad Católica. She is twenty one years old.

We met at kind garden when we were four years old. Since then we are together.

We are together old time. We are so close than we went to beach with my family on vacation.

She is the only person that understands me because she is patient with me and she also knows how to hear.

I hate her because she is very skinny even if she eats a lot. However when I eat I get fat. But that doesn’t matter to me because I love her.

That’s why she is my best friend….

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

Who am I ¿????......

I'm Teresa Cabezas Moreno. I'm 21 years old. I live in Paine in a small house in Hospital with my grandfathers since I was born. I have one half brother and one half sister, but I'm my father`s only child, therefore is the favorite person in my life. I enjoy when I share with him.

I'm student of second year of Public Management in Chile's University and I chose this major, because I had not idea what I could be in my life.

My favorite hobby is mounting horses. Therefore when tapeworm five years ago my grandfather gift me the my first horse, is called Jugador and even I still haven.

Another thing that i like is to prepare foods, especially chocolates's cakes. I love it! I like the idea of make a blog, because I have never had one and which will'be useful for my english class in my future......... Also I will show and share my preferences with you.... I hope you like it my blog.
