sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

The best in my area

I think that the best person in the area of my career is Max Weber.

Max Weber was a philosopher, economist, jurist, historian, political scientist and German sociologist, considered one of the founders of the modern study, antipositivista, of the sociology and the public administration.
In his famous works you can find an "The politics as vocation". Weber defined the State as a company that possesses a monopoly in the legitimate use of the force. This definition that was fundamental in the study of the modern political science in West.
The motive by which he is important, It's because he showed how to organize the government through the bureaucracy, or in other words he showed that the professionalization of the administrative structures of the State was fundamental.
I choose this person because he is very important for the Public Administration, because he gave the professional character to our area and to our career.


My Career

My career is Public Administration is situated in the environment of the Administrative and Political Sciences, centering it's study in the State, the government and the public administration. This career requires of an extensive comprehension of the phenomena that conform it, which express train their MULTIDISCIPLINARY character. It's thus, as covers the social, economic, and legal sciences in general; and the political science and the administrative sciences particularly.
I like a lot this career because is very close to the reality of the people and because offers me the opportunity to work for the changes that my country needs. Therefore I want to work in the "FUNDACION PARA LA SUPERACION DE LA POBREZA". Because working there allows people to be close of what they need, and I can do something for them.
Public Administration is a really marvelous career and I invite them to know it.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

The most beautiful photograph of my community

The photo that I like the most is the place that I visit every day: Train Station Paine.The train is the main transportation in my town because thanks to him I can access to the city. I put a photo of the train because it is very useful for me and for the whole community, every day people need to go to different places, especially to Santiago.

Since it's implementation in the 80s, the train has revolutionized the lives of people in province, because it decreases the time of travel and the prices of the tickets are cheapest to go to the capital.
Train station of Paine is the most beautiful place of all. It has a park next to. In addition around the train station there are many places to go have coffee with the family, so you can have a great time. It's really nice and clean.

I invite you all to know the Train Station Paine. Because it's a place full of history and progress.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My most Precious Posession

My Laptop

My Laptop is my most precious object because I do all my work for university with it and I can communicate with my best friends.
Also I like my laptop a lot because it's a gift of my boyfriend. He gave it to me so we can chat every day. Since I got my laptop I am the happiest person in the world because I can access to a lot of information and I can do my work for university. I think that if something happens to my laptop "I would die" because it's my most precious posession.

In my opinion the laptop is the better technological product, and I think that everyone should have one. (So everyone... buy a laptop!)
